And Who’s lucky?

The road was dark. He stumbled but kept on moving. 

He knew it is not entirely easy to walk a dark and forbidden path all alone.

If you keep quite and stop, you will be judged. 

Some roads are least taken, not because it’s forbidden but because of the implications that fellow living entity derives about the traveller.

He knew it was dark out there and it’s full of pits. 

He didn’t mind falling as long as he believed he will get through this darkness.

As he measured the distance less on the road, his thoughts were tangled somewhere else. 

All his life he has seen people appreciating pretty faces and soothing voices.

A bunch of people everywhere with delusions of grandeur, calling themselves fortunate and successful. 

Life indifferently remains imperfect for each one of us. 

But who really is fortunate and successful?

One who has climbed real high on the stairs, pulling others down? 

One who has never faced disagreements just because they have never challenged the status quo? 

Or the one who has quite comfortably maintained the relationships because their judgements of good, bad and ugly never showed any deviation?

He knew the world is not a fairytale. 

His heart sank each time he faced failure and losses.

He felt the disappointments quite frequently throughout his life. 

The demise of a person he has never met, an elderly person struggling to cross the road, a homeless forsaken child at the traffic signal, dull noodles when he is actually starving. 

Tiny and distant objects of concern made him feel upside down at times.

There were things he couldn’t do anything for. They were beyond his scope, yet his heart felt the disappointments and grief.

But a successful and fortunate person is one who, besides all losses and failures in life, never had the tendency of giving up.

A successful person is one who gets the courage to look beyond the darkness, into the infinity, to find something best in everything and everyone. 

A successful person is one who is free from all judgemental inclinations.

One who gives equal chances to everything in the universe. One who never tags one’s future with his past. One who feels bad about life but never stops to move ahead with valor.

Eyes see what is visible, but the willingness to see beyond what eyes can easily see is the line of difference.

He had his own fairytale in his heart and world seemed to burn them with its judgements and disagreements, time and again. 

Though he stumbled but never stopped.

He kept going.

27 thoughts on “And Who’s lucky?

  1. Very Nice.. as always .. πŸ™‚

    Lighter Note – All this is possible if you recite this song which I use to recite at my school assembly – “Itni Shakti Hame dena data .. Maan Ka Biswaas Kamjor Ho na”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Nicely Summarised, Abhishek !! Know this sing, by heart. ☺😊
      I won’t mind making mistakes as long as I have the knowledge of what has been done and what was supposed to be done. Life is all about collective effort of small learnings from good, bad and ugly. πŸ˜‡


  2. That is some very insightful writing, I loved it, every word, the part that stirred my emotions was,
    Life indifferently remains imperfect for each one of us.
    But who really is fortunate and successful?
    One who has climbed real high on the stairs, pulling others down?
    One who has never faced disagreements just because they have never challenged the status quo?
    Or the one who has quite comfortably maintained the relationships because their judgements of good, bad and ugly never showed any deviation?
    Aussie Ian aka Aussie Emu

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha.. I agree. Feels great finding people round the corners of the world with almost same thought processes.
      World is not that bad a place. We only have to stick to our ideas and we eventually attract the similar ideas from different people.

      And, thank you so much for visiting again. 😊

      Greetings, Anushka.

      Liked by 1 person

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