Fall Won’t Last Long.



Yellow, Red, and Brown !!
Roads, gardens and the boulevards
are colorful,
Owing to the bare trees.

Dry leaves
Make lonesome noise
While sweeping the ground
along with the breeze.

Trees are naked. Days are short.
Birds fly to warmer places.

The setting sun in the west
Makes the kids in the ground sad.
Everyone couldn’t get a chance to bat.
For the cold night arrives early.

Autumn, you are a season of fall,
A season of Changes.

Bare trees can cast
No dense shadows.
No traveller stops by the tree.
But once the new leaves are up,
Birds will be back home.
And so the travellers.

Nothing is lost forever.
Everything must be back home, again.

The leaves and the Birds.

Picture Courtesy : #Pinterest

37 thoughts on “Fall Won’t Last Long.

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